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Reiki Energy Medicine ~ Body Mind Spirit Soul Harmonization

These sessions are personalized and each client receives individually curated care and methodologies that are based on pre established and in the moment intuitive guidance. 

Gal weaves in a variety of practices to cater to your own current state of mind, body, spirit and soul, allowing the integration of the treatment to be gentle yet precise. 
The work that takes place in these sessions can include Reiki, Sound therapy, Breath Work, Soul purpose activations, Acupressure, Reflexology, Inner child review, past life regression, and frequency medicine.
Gal utilizes crystals, vocal, breath, instrumental tones, hands on and hands off touch, communication with spirit and guides as well as her scientific knowledge of both the physical and metaphysical body. These gentle, peaceful sessions can result in profound healing but also the necessary discomfort that is required to move through the transformational process of self-discovery, individuation and growth. 
*Upon request, the treatment can also include the use of The Healy Quantum Medical Device.
**The Healy Quantum Medical Device is a biofeedback tool that scans, analyzes and provides results on a large variety of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. This scalar wave frequency is included in Gal’s offerings upon request. During the 1:1 Harmonization sessions, clients often request this device as an add on to gain further insight into any areas of disharmony and dysregulation within the physical vessel and the bio-energetic field. Some common discoveries this device may reveal are ancestral, karmic, mental emotional and spiritual barriers that are causing disruption in the coherence and homeostasis of your QI (vital life force energy). Results are delivered via a PDF file and includes a personalized follow up with Gal for proper integration.


Holistic/Quantum Nursing

Quantum Nursing is a blend of allopathic, alternative and integrative medicine. Candidates for this service may include those who have acute and/or chronic conditions that require short or long term management. She specializes in mental health, neurodegenerative disorder, traumatic brain injuries & stroke rehabilitation and post surgical care.
The base service includes a wellness check. At this appointment you will receive a vital signs assessment as well as an audit of internal and external environmental factors in combination with a review of current medications and supplements.  It is recommended that during the wellness check, each patient consents to the use of The Healy Quantum Medical Device for a TCM Meridian Scan. However, in lieu of this device a pendulum can also be used to diagnose energetic wheel disharmony. Following this initial assessment Gal will recommend a holistic care plan. The next step in this service is the personalized implementation of individual treatment and integration of your care plan. This may include referrals to other practitioners when necessary.
Gal’s blend of integrative and energetic medicine and professional experience also makes her a powerful loving and gentle support during palliative and end of physical life care and guide transitioning over into the after life.
Also available under the umbrella of Quantum Nursing, Gal offers traditional nursing services such as wound care, pain management, blood glucose monitoring, and medication administration (oral, sub-cu, transdermal, and IM).


Trauma Informed PsychoSpiritual Guidance

A sacred, safe and secure space for activating and engaging the throat chakra via vulnerable story telling and authentic expression with Gal. A discussion of your choosing in co-creation with divine will that can illuminate ancestral, intergenerational, societal and nuclear family patterns, behaviours, bonds, attachments, trauma wounds and wisdom. Life review, inner child remembrances, soul purpose activations, and intuitive downloads are some of the many realizations, confirmations, affirmations or redirections that can occur. This will allow further clarity, insight, strength and courage navigating your journey of self exploration and evolution in consciousness. Follow up tools for further integration will also be offered in order to foster and cultivate consistency and dedication for the necessary shifts for growth and evolution to occur.


Trauma Informed Conscious Connected Breathwork 

A circular connected breathing method that voluntarily activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system in a controlled and empowered way. The change in blood chemistry and brainwave fluctuations allow breathers to access the brain's limbic system, amygdala, hippocampus and other cerebral regions where traumatic memories, rigid self limiting programming and habitual maladaptive coping patterns exist. The body can then organically transmute dense and stagnant energy blockages and barriers via somatic releases. This breathing technique supports proper integration of all human emotions, feelings, thoughts, habits and behaviours, providing profoundly transformative insight, clarity, and guidance towards life changing shifts in awareness and consciousness.

Experience can include :
Emotional release
Trauma integration
Grief integration
Increased awareness + mindfulness
Nervous system strengthening
Harmonized YIN YANG energies
Clarity & Confirmation
Increased inspiration and creativity
Elevated vibrational resonance
Elevated mood
Feeling lighter
Increased Heart Rate Variability
Metaphysical Mystical & Magical encounters


Tarot & Oracle Readings

A magical channelled Tarot/Oracle card reading that offers guidance, clarity, insight, reminders, realizations, and confirmations within past-present-future timelines using archetypal symbolism and psycho-spiritual analysis and dialogue. Allowing you to navigate and co-create your current and unique Life Path journey with further trust, confidence, commitment, devotion, embodiment and ease. Gal will be an authentic conduit-channel-vessel for your personal unique Divine information to present itself with universal love, truth and integrity.

The wound is the place where the Light enters you ~ Rumi 

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